Marketing and the Tree of Life

Apr 21, 2018 | how-to for architects and designers

Do you long to THRIVE both CREATIVELY and FINANCIALLY? Check out Ann Rea’s course Making Art, Making Money Today.

Marketing has been an essential and super-fun aspect of growing Creativity Matters.

But it wasn’t always that way. There was a time, not so long ago, that I viewed marketing as a total drain, and something that seemed to steal time and energy away from my other creative pursuits.

Thank goodness for my dear friend Ann Rea, founder of Artist Who THRIVE, who I met through the National Speakers Association. In her first year as a full time artist, she made over $100K.

Since then, Ann’s been on a mission, (dare I say crusade?!!) to do away with the long held, but totally limiting myth of the starving artist.

Back in 2012, when I complained to her about marketing getting in the way of my creativity, she glared at me, raised her voice, and, like a bolt of lightning, had this to say to me:

“Austin, Get out of your %$&%&*(#@ head!! Marketing IS part of your creativity!!!”

Whoa my! Her advice changed everything for me!

If you’re interested in learning how you can live both a creative and financially abundant life, check out Ann Rea’s powerful teachings.

Fair warning: Don’t hesitate. Ann’s teachings won’t be up for long. Click now to learn how you can thrive both creatively and financially.

How do you feel about marketing? Please leave a comment below.

Thank you Ann! And thank you all out there being willing to take your own creativity seriously enough to make a fantastic living, and an amazing life, out of it.